Our cancer research brings treatment and therapy to patients of all ages, battling different forms of cancer.

Our cardiovascular research is transforming diagnosis and treatment for patients with heart disease.

Diabetes & Kidney Health
Our diabetes, kidney, and metabolic disorders research seeks to discover better health outcomes to address an alarmingly high comorbidity in the South Texas population.

Infectious Disease
Our research conducted in infectious disease explores the spread of microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses and seeks to find ways of preventing and minimizing the spread of disease.

Longevity & Aging
Our research in longevity and aging explores new ways of improving quality of life and lifespan for those with age-related disease.

Military Health
Our military health research seeks to combat health issues facing our military today.

Our research in neuroscience extends from single cell studies to targeting specific neurological diseases, disorders, and trauma.

Regenerative Medicine
Our research in regenerative medicine ranges from cellular study to engineering new body tissues.